Friday, May 25, 2012

Life as We Know It.

The life we have is one that we know for sure. Regardless of how we feel about it, we accept that it is ours, even if there are many things that could use fixing. We complain often, dream of change, and sometimes even relish in the golden moments that make us smile. Yet we continue on the same path, because the ‘known’ is what creates comfort, even when the known is uncomfortable. Why?

If you’re going to be uncomfortable anyway, why not get out of your own way and create something new and different?!  Yes, you are in your own way. That job you have yearned for, the business you have wanted to start, the exercise program you have been dabbling in for decades, is all possible, if you move aside.  

I have often questioned others, and myself in search of understanding the difference between the people that have what they want and those that simply talk about having it. Interestingly, there are many things in common: a strong sense of self, a knowledge of ones own strengths, an understanding of what doesn’t work for them and a real desire for movement. Those are the qualities that make change possible.

What distinguishes those that act on their desires and those that don’t, are their differences.  People that actually create change are willing to let go of what they know and live into the creation of what can be next (the unknown).  They do not live into the drama or the fear of it, but instead, confidently create such a real picture of what they want, that it doesn’t feel unknown at all. In fact, they talk about it so often that they feel it already exists. They don’t give up because the money hasn’t come in yet, or the waistline hasn’t budged, but keep moving, knowing that in time all of that will take a life of its own.  These individuals don’t simply check off their lists in hopes of achieving the end result, they follow the steps because it is what they are passionate about and know that the result will follow as well. 

For those of you still stuck in your ‘reasons’: family needs, time, money, etc., this is a hard concept because you have been repeating your story for so long that your story feels factual! I can just hear your inner voice now: yeah but she doesn’t know what my life is like! What I do know is that we all have busy lives and family obligations as well.  The ‘do-ers’ just don’t get stopped with the reasons, but instead create their life around them: getting up earlier in the morning, working an extra job at low cash-flow times, and being choosier about what can and can not be attended to.  Your life will get in the way.  Your job is to see them as hurdles (to be jumped), not roadblocks.

Here is the perfect example that many runners will relate to. You are out for your third run this week and can’t believe, again, that you are struggling. There is an unbelievable feeling that perhaps you have grown heavier, more sluggish, and older.  You are certain that you can no longer run, because maybe ‘they’ are right. Maybe your life is too busy for this right now, or you are just getting too old. Until…you decide to buy a new pair of sneakers. Suddenly you hit the streets and your stride feels long, your legs feel strong, and your breathing is controlled and calculated.  It is then that you remember just how old your shoes were, and what then seemed like fact, now isn’t even part of the conversation. Instead, the conversation revolves around signing up for a race! I mean, why not? You are in great shape!

Your life as you know it, is just that. Changes can occur over night though, simply by what you do and say. Don’t get stuck in what seems like ‘fact’.  Whatever facts you have convinced yourself of, will look different with a new pair of sneakers.

Monday, May 7, 2012

How to Have Clients that Pay

If I guaranteed your business financial growth just by making a few changes, would you be willing to try it? Of course you would!
You know that the way you run your business works, yet could be more efficient.  You know that while you have a steady flow of clients and are skillful in servicing them, you spend a great deal of time playing 'catch-up'. You also know that while your business is financially successful, there is a great amount of money that remains outstanding. But do you know how much money of yours actually sits on the streets? Some have reported as much as $20-30,000/month of money owed, but not being collected. How much more profitable would your business be if you were actually paid for all services rendered? What if I told you that creating a System would do just that?

Last week we looked at creating an entire system for your business, which is the best way to make sure all the facets of your business are running efficiently.  Yet the best place to start is where you know you need it most: billing. Trust me when I say that you are not alone in this area. Perhaps you are too embarrassed to admit it, or don't have the time to assess how much money is currently on the streets, but it is a common weakness for small business owners. After all, you went into business because of your knowledge and commitment to your area of expertise. If your area of strength was billing, surely you would have gone into business for that!

Instead, you became an attorney, a dentist, or perhaps health club owner, due to the passion you have for that business. Good for you for following your instincts, and becoming a success. Now imagine how successful you would be if all the clients you serviced actually paid you! The fact that you have clients who don't pay on time, only pay half of what they owe, or don't pay at all, says a lot about you, and much less about them. If your service is worth the value you say it is, then you should be running the business as such.  Having a defined System simply creates a protocol with a clear description of your obligation to the client, and the clients obligation to you. If you are unsure whether you have a system in place or not, answer these questions:

Do you find yourself feeling bad for the client who says they don't have the money?
Do you find it tedious to follow up with every client for fees owed?
Do you feel like there is always another client to bill?
To you find yourself focusing on the services rendered, to avoid having to collect the fees?
Do you continue to work for clients, even when they haven't paid?
Do you often feel like you are volunteering your time?

If you have answered yes to any or all of these, then having a system in place, will bring substantial amounts of money to your business. Still wondering if a system is what you need? Consider this: If I told you that all you had to do to receive several thousand dollars was get off the couch, walk to the front door and lift up the door mat...would you do it? Or would you say, 'Nah, I have enough money as it is, and this couch is pretty comfortable.'?

Your time is worth money. Create a system that guarantees that!

More ways to increase revenue...